PLS Szczecin 2014

- Data wydarzenia Date of event29 listopada 2014 r. - 30 listopada 2014 r. 29 November 2014 - 30 November 2014
- Miejsce VenueZespół Szkół Towarzystwa Salezjańskiego Collegium Salesianum
św. Jana Bosko 1, 71-125, Szczecin - Delegat WCA WCA Delegate
- Organizatorzy Organizers
- Partnerzy Partners
- Konkurencje Events3x3x3,
3x3x3 one-handed,
3x3x3 blindfolded,
3x3x3 multi blind,
3x3x3 with feet,
4x4x4 blindfolded,
5x5x5 blindfolded,
3x3x3 one-handed,
3x3x3 blindfolded,
Rubik's Cube multi blind,
3x3x3 with feet,
4x4x4 blindfolded,
5x5x5 blindfolded,
Skewb - Wpisowe Entry fee20 PLN - wersja podstawowa
45 PLN - z koszulką
100 PLN - z koszulką oraz biletem wstępu na Folk Fest
(regularna cena biletu na Folk Fest wynosi 90 zł)
Uwaga: rejestracja w pakiecie z koszulką lub z koszulką
i biletem możliwa tylko do 16 listopada.
W przypadku zamówienia któregoś z tych pakietów,
prosimy o podanie rozmiaru koszulki w tytule przelewu.
20 PLN - basic version
45 PLN - with T-shirt
100 PLN - with T-shirt and Folk Fest Szczecin tickets (29 Nov 2014)
płatne przelewem na konto: payment by transfer:
Projekt Hipopotam Aleksander Kiełbratowski
al. Piastów 63/7, 70-332 Szczecin
84 1140 2004 0000 3702 3073 9780
Tytuł przelewu wg wzoru: „Imię Nazwisko - PLS Szczecin 2014” Transfer title: ”Name Surname - PLS Szczecin 2014” - Noclegi Accommodation30-55 PLN w zależności od standardu
- Posiłki FoodW budynku turnieju.
Cena obiadu: 16 zł (dwa dania).
Możliwość wykupienia również innych posiłków
(6 zł śniadanie, 6 zł kolacja)
- konieczność wcześniejszego zamówienia - Limit zawodników Competitors limit100
- Start rejestracji Start of registration6 listopada 2014 r. 6 November 2014
- Koniec rejestracji End of registration25 listopada 2014 r. 25 November 2014
Rejestracja aktualnie zamknięta. Registration currently closed.
Poniżej znajduje się lista wszystkich zawodników, którzy zadeklarowali udział w Mistrzostwach. Tabela zawiera imiona i nazwiska, kraj oraz wszystkie konkurencje, w których zawodnicy chcą wziąć udział. Nowością w naszym systemie jest możliwość sprawdzenia oficjalnych wyników WCA wszystkich zawodników.
- Aby sprawdzić wyniki w wybranej konkurencji, wystarczy kliknąć w nagłówek konkurencji;
- Wyniki automatycznie posortują się od najlepszych;
- W konkurencjach 3x3x3 BF, 3x3x3 MBF, 3x3x3 FM, 4x4x4 BF oraz 5x5x5 BF bazujemy na wynikach pojedynczych, we wszystkich pozostałych na średnich;
- Osoby, które nie posiadają oficjalnych wyników, znajdują się na końcu listy.
Below you can find the list of the registered competitors. The table includes names, countries, numbers of past competitions and all events selected by competitors. Our system allows you to sort the list by WCA results.
- To check the results just click on the header;
- The results will automatically segregate from the best to the worst;
- System is based on the official average results (3x3x3 BF, 3x3x3 MBF, 3x3x3 FM, 4x4x4 BF and 5x5x5 BF are based on single results);
- Competitors without official results are situated at the bottom of the list.
Imię i nazwisko Full name | Państwo Country | ![]() | 3 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | oh | bf | 3mb | ft | p | mm | sq | cl | 4b | 5b | sk | gw | ||
1. | Michał Bogdan | Poland | 99 | 1097|10.97 | 412|4.12 | 5196|51.96 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 1679|16.79 | 3508|35.08 | 770332802|24/26 55:28 | 18087|3:00.87 | 1889|18.89 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
2. | Piotr Brodacki | Poland | 5 | 1301|13.01 | 403|4.03 | 5554|55.54 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1943|19.43 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 821|8.21 | 9287|1:32.87 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
3. | Kalina Brzezińska | Poland | 103 | 933|9.33 | 522|5.22 | 4173|41.73 | 8472|1:24.72 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1938|19.38 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 903|9.03 | 6339|1:03.39 | 2868|28.68 | 1155|11.55 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
4. | Paweł Brzęczek | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
5. | Andrzej Dębicki | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
6. | Rafał Drozd | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
7. | Marcin Dudziak | Poland | 4 | 4994|49.94 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
8. | Piotr Dudziak | Poland | 13 | 1666|16.66 | 511|5.11 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 461|4.61 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1233|12.33 | 6 | |
9. | Mikołaj Duszkiewicz | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
10. | Monika Gondorowicz | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
11. | Kacper Gręda | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
12. | Kornel Howil | Poland | 3 | 2584|25.84 | 901|9.01 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 725|7.25 | 6 | |
13. | Dawid Idziak | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
14. | Piotr Jakubik | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
15. | Marcin Jakubowski | Poland | 122 | 1198|11.98 | 315|3.15 | 4588|45.88 | 9742|1:37.42 | 23119|3:51.19 | 38175|6:21.75 | 2130|21.30 | 12114|2:01.14 | 960163900|3/3 27:19 | 99999999999| | 549|5.49 | 10299|1:42.99 | 4236|42.36 | 772|7.72 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 566|5.66 | 6 | |
16. | Kacper Janiak | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
17. | Karolina Jewiarz | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
18. | Adam Joks | Poland | 25 | 2371|23.71 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
19. | Tomasz Kiedrowicz | Poland | 45 | 1820|18.20 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 21834|3:38.34 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 388|3.88 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
20. | Aleksander Kiełbratowski | Poland | 7 | 2998|29.98 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
21. | Igor Kiełbratowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
22. | Jakub Komorowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
23. | Karol Kotarski | Poland | 2 | 2188|21.88 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
24. | Marcin Kowalczyk | Poland | 50 | 1060|10.60 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1858|18.58 | 2117|21.17 | 580325400|41/41 54:14 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 19356|3:13.56 | 53861|8:58.61 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
25. | Krzysztof Kowalski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
26. | Jakub Kraska | Poland | 3 | 1727|17.27 | 642|6.42 | 6149|1:01.49 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
27. | Jakub Kubiak | Poland | 15 | 866|8.66 | 362|3.62 | 3614|36.14 | 8417|1:24.17 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 2011|20.11 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 831|8.31 | 9999999999|? | 1901|19.01 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 923|9.23 | 6 | |
28. | Grzegorz Łucki | Poland | 9 | 1178|11.78 | 447|4.47 | 7484|1:14.84 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1531|15.31 | 21628|3:36.28 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
29. | JAKUB MACIKOWSKI | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
30. | Mikołaj Majzel | Poland | 2 | 1956|19.56 | 637|6.37 | 9743|1:37.43 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 5112|51.12 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 1019|10.19 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
31. | Michał Mendocha | Poland | 13 | 1442|14.42 | 441|4.41 | 6148|1:01.48 | 10934|1:49.34 | 34999|5:49.99 | 52960|8:49.60 | 2746|27.46 | 17188|2:51.88 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 947|9.47 | 15933|2:39.33 | 99999999999| | 1993|19.93 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1260|12.60 | 6 | |
32. | Emil Mickein | Germany | 33 | 1359|13.59 | 580|5.80 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 512|5.12 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 781|7.81 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
33. | Willi Mickein | Germany | 37 | 1252|12.52 | 417|4.17 | 5471|54.71 | 8630|1:26.30 | 99999999999| | 31991|5:19.91 | 3238|32.38 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 281|2.81 | 6388|1:03.88 | 1939|19.39 | 1842|18.42 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 519|5.19 | 6 | |
34. | OLIWER MULAWKA | Poland | 3 | 2040|20.40 | 731|7.31 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
35. | Filip Pasławski | Poland | 15 | 1060|10.60 | 281|2.81 | 4552|45.52 | 10052|1:40.52 | 22380|3:43.80 | 33276|5:32.76 | 2439|24.39 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 10710|1:47.10 | 402|4.02 | 9551|1:35.51 | 4465|44.65 | 3038|30.38 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 426|4.26 | 6 | |
36. | kamiś pawlak | Poland | 61 | 1350|13.50 | 99999999999| | 5873|58.73 | 9298|1:32.98 | 22718|3:47.18 | 26294|4:22.94 | 3489|34.89 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 10141|1:41.41 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
37. | Adam Polkowski | Poland | 111 | 985|9.85 | 376|3.76 | 4277|42.77 | 8545|1:25.45 | 99999999999| | 28362|4:43.62 | 99999999999| | 17486|2:54.86 | 970116700|2/2 19:27 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
38. | Marcin Popławski | Poland | 21 | 1556|15.56 | 426|4.26 | 5757|57.57 | 11075|1:50.75 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 4630|46.30 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 707|7.07 | 15550|2:35.50 | 5171|51.71 | 1025|10.25 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 751|7.51 | 6 | |
39. | Przemysław Rogalski | Poland | 124 | 1082|10.82 | 306|3.06 | 4181|41.81 | 9199|1:31.99 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1735|17.35 | 22633|3:46.33 | 99999999999| | 7421|1:14.21 | 312|3.12 | 7711|1:17.11 | 2245|22.45 | 627|6.27 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 431|4.31 | 6 | |
40. | MAREK RZEPKA | Poland | 12 | 3773|37.73 | 1385|13.85 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 3484|34.84 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
41. | Dawid Starczewski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
42. | Radek Stefański | Poland | 3 | 4433|44.33 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1381|13.81 | 6 | |
43. | Piotr Stelmach | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
44. | Radosław Strugała | Poland | 6 | 1473|14.73 | 537|5.37 | 7462|1:14.62 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 1106|11.06 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
45. | Kacper Studenny | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
46. | Wojciech Szatanowski | Poland | 154 | 966|9.66 | 288|2.88 | 4131|41.31 | 9080|1:30.80 | 18187|3:01.87 | 28066|4:40.66 | 1644|16.44 | 5108|51.08 | 900294500|9/9 49:05 | 10105|1:41.05 | 489|4.89 | 9537|1:35.37 | 3007|30.07 | 1144|11.44 | 81600|13:36.00 | 9999999999|? | 565|5.65 | 6 | |
47. | Szymon Wałęka | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
48. | Karolina Wiącek | Poland | 94 | 1780|17.80 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
49. | Kacper Wiechoczek | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
50. | Amelia Zakrzewska | Poland | 12 | 2514|25.14 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
51. | Ernest Zakrzewski | Poland | 17 | 2071|20.71 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 15125|2:31.25 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
Suma: Sum: | 50 | 34 | 28 | 19 | 7 | 8 | 22 | 13 | 7 | 5 | 31 | 17 | 10 | 12 | 4 | 3 | 16 |
Hour | Event | Round | Format | Cutoff | Limit | Proceed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Day 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
08:30 | 09:00 | Registration | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
09:00 | 09:10 | Welcome Time | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
09:10 | 09:45 | 2x2x2 | Combined I Round | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 8 sec | 1 min | 20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
09:45 | 10:10 | Square-1 | Combined Final | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 35 sec | 3 min | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10:10 | 10:35 | 3x3x3 With Feet | Combined Final | Mean of 3 | 1 < 3:30 min | 5 min | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10:35 | 11:10 | Megaminx | Combined Final | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 2:00 min | 5 min | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11:10 | 11:35 | 6x6x6 | Combined Final | Mean of 3 | 1 < 4:00 min | 8 min | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11:35 | 12:05 | 7x7x7 | Combined Final | Mean of 3 | 1 < 6:00 min | 10 min | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12:05 | 12:35 | Break | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12:35 | 13:00 | Skewb | Combined I Round | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 8 sec | 1 min | 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13:00 | 13:35 | 3x3x3 One handed | Combined I Round | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 35 sec | 3 min | 18 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13:35 | 14:45 | 3x3x3 | 1 Round | Average of 5 | 3 min | 40 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13:25 | 14:25 | 3x3x3 Multiblindfolded | Final | Best of 1 | 60 min | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14:45 | 15:20 | Pyraminx | Combined I Round | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 12 sec | 1 min | 20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15:20 | 16:00 | 4x4x4 | Combined I Round | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 1:10 min | 4 min | 20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15:35 | 16:15 | 4x4x4 Blindfolded | Best of 2 | 40 min for both attempts | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16:00 | 16:40 | 5x5x5 | Combined I Round | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 2:00 min | 5 min | 16 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16:15 | 17:00 | 5x5x5 Blindfolded | Best of 2 | 45 min for both attempts | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16:40 | 17:00 | Skewb | Final | Average of 5 | 1 min | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17:00 | 17:25 | Rubik's Clock | Combined Final | Average of 5 | 1 of 2 < 20 sec | 1 min | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hour | Event | Round | Format | Cutoff | Limit | Proceed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Day 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10:00 | 10:30 | 3x3x3 Blindfolded | 1 Round | Best of 3 | 15 min for all attempts | 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10:30 | 10:55 | 4x4x4 | Semifinal | Average of 5 | 4 min | 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10:55 | 11:25 | 5x5x5 | Semifinal | Average of 5 | 5 min | 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11:25 | 11:50 | Pyraminx | Semifinal | Average of 5 | 1 min | 10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11:50 | 12:15 | 2x2x2 | Semifinal | Average of 5 | 1 min | 10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12:15 | 12:45 | 3x3x3 One-handed | Semifinal | Average of 5 | 3 min | 10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12:45 | 13:15 | Break | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13:15 | 13:55 | 3x3x3 | Semifinal | Average of 5 | 3 min | 12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13:55 | 14:20 | 5x5x5 | Final | Average of 5 | 5 min | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14:20 | 14:35 | 2x2x2 | Final | Average of 5 | 1 min | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14:35 | 14:50 | 4x4x4 | Final | Average of 5 | 4 min | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14:50 | 15:10 | 3x3x3 Blindfolded | Final | Best of 3 | 10 min for all attempts | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15:10 | 15:30 | 3x3x3 One-handed | Final | Average of 5 | 3 min | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15:30 | 15:50 | Pyraminx | Final | Average of 5 | 1 min | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15:50 | 16:00 | Break | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16:00 | 16:45 | 3x3x3 | Final | Average of 5 | 3 min | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16:45 | 17:15 | Prize-giving Ceremony |