Silesian Spring Świdnica 2020

- Data wydarzenia Date of event7 marca 2020 r. 7 March 2020
- Miejsce VenueKlub "Bolko"
Plac Grunwaldzki 11, 58-100 Świdnica - Organizatorzy Organizers
- Partnerzy Partners
- Konkurencje Events3x3x3,
Workshop - Wpisowe Entry fee
Rejestracja na turniej (7 marca) - 20 PLN
+ ew. koszt posiłków meal price
Rejestracja JEDYNIE na warsztaty (8 marca) - 15 PLN
płatne przelewem na konto: payment by transfer:
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Speedcubingu
ING Bank Śląski S.A.
30 1050 1764 1000 0090 3030 1718
Tytuł przelewu wg wzoru: „Imię Nazwisko - Silesian Spring Świdnica 2020” Transfer title: ”Name Surname - Silesian Spring Świdnica 2020” - Limit zawodników Competitors limit110
- Start rejestracji Start of registration1 lutego 2020 r. 1 February 2020
- Koniec rejestracji End of registration3 marca 2020 r. 3 March 2020
- Dla naszych gości zarezerowowaliśmy obiekt w odległości 400 m od miejsca zawodów. Miejsca w pokojach 2-3 osobowych. Cena 50 zł za osobę. Jeżli na hasło "kostka Rubika" będzie więcej niż 15 rezerwacjii, wówczas cena spada do 40 zł za osobę.
- "Baza noclegowa" -
- Rezerwacja tel : 534197230
- rezerwacje przyjmowane są do 17 lutego, po tej dacie w miarę dostępności miejsc
Double- and threebedrooms 50 PLN/person/day.
Password for booking "Kostka Rubika", tel.534197230
- Koszt posiłku w dniu zawodów wynosi 15 zł (pizza, sosy, woda).
- Posiłek w dniu warsztatów (W cenie wpisowego)
- Słodkie przekaski, kanapki, kawa, herbata, woda. (W cenie wpisowego)
Lunch at the venue for competitors and visitors (pizza) 15 PLN/person There will be some free snacks and drinks.
Dzięki naszym licznym partnerom zawodnicy będą walczyli o liczne nagrody rzeczowe i finansowe! Poniżej zestawienie nagórd dla najlepszych zawodników konkurencji WCA oraz kategorii 3x3x3 oraz nagrody dla najlepszych zawodników w grupach wiekowych ufundowane przez sklep
Thanks to our partners we can provide cash prizes for best competitors in WCA events. Moreover in unofficial 3x3x3 cathegories we provide cubing shop tickets from STREFA-KOSTEK.
Warsztaty dedykowane są dla dzieci i młodzieży ze Świdnicy i/lub świdnickich szkół.
Rejestracja aktualnie zamknięta. Registration currently closed.
Poniżej znajduje się lista wszystkich zawodników, którzy zadeklarowali udział w Mistrzostwach. Tabela zawiera imiona i nazwiska, kraj oraz wszystkie konkurencje, w których zawodnicy chcą wziąć udział. Nowością w naszym systemie jest możliwość sprawdzenia oficjalnych wyników WCA wszystkich zawodników.
- Aby sprawdzić wyniki w wybranej konkurencji, wystarczy kliknąć w nagłówek konkurencji;
- Wyniki automatycznie posortują się od najlepszych;
- W konkurencjach 3x3x3 BF, 3x3x3 MBF, 3x3x3 FM, 4x4x4 BF oraz 5x5x5 BF bazujemy na wynikach pojedynczych, we wszystkich pozostałych na średnich;
- Osoby, które nie posiadają oficjalnych wyników, znajdują się na końcu listy.
Below you can find the list of the registered competitors. The table includes names, countries, numbers of past competitions and all events selected by competitors. Our system allows you to sort the list by WCA results.
- To check the results just click on the header;
- The results will automatically segregate from the best to the worst;
- System is based on the official average results (3x3x3 BF, 3x3x3 MBF, 3x3x3 FM, 4x4x4 BF and 5x5x5 BF are based on single results);
- Competitors without official results are situated at the bottom of the list.
Imię i nazwisko Full name | Państwo Country | ![]() | 3 | 2 | p | sk | 5 | ws | gw | ||
1. | Wojciech Barciaga | Poland | 38 | 910|9.10 | 283|2.83 | 537|5.37 | 301|3.01 | 8086|1:20.86 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
2. | Krzysztof Bober | Poland | 73 | 1087|10.87 | 374|3.74 | 634|6.34 | 815|8.15 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
3. | Andrii Bondarenko | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
4. | Szymon Brzana | Poland | 21 | 1045|10.45 | 327|3.27 | 457|4.57 | 605|6.05 | 8117|1:21.17 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
5. | Maciej Brzeziński | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 4 | |
6. | Witold Brzeziński | Poland | 2 | 2896|28.96 | 1414|14.14 | 953|9.53 | 1060|10.60 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
7. | Nikodem Burghardt | Poland | 2 | 4358|43.58 | 3167|31.67 | 1631|16.31 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
8. | Semen Butyrin | Germany | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
9. | Brajan Bzowy | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
10. | Adam Chodyniecki | Poland | 32 | 930|9.30 | 311|3.11 | 397|3.97 | 381|3.81 | 9969|1:39.69 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
11. | Jarosław Chodyniecki | Poland | 15 | 5140|51.40 | 1213|12.13 | 3211|32.11 | 3906|39.06 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
12. | Antoni Cichoń | Poland | 9 | 1415|14.15 | 574|5.74 | 839|8.39 | 1113|11.13 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
13. | Mateusz Cichoracki | Poland | 84 | 1385|13.85 | 413|4.13 | 357|3.57 | 865|8.65 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
14. | Angelika Ciszek | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
15. | Jakub Cook | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
16. | Damian Czerniakiewicz | Poland | 2 | 1875|18.75 | 773|7.73 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
17. | Kacper Dłubała | Poland | 6 | 886|8.86 | 371|3.71 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 7124|1:11.24 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
18. | Jakub Dmitruk | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
19. | Jacek Dobosz | Poland | 1 | 2449|24.49 | 702|7.02 | 1615|16.15 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
20. | Łukasz Dubicki | Poland | 21 | 1277|12.77 | 349|3.49 | 478|4.78 | 512|5.12 | 8742|1:27.42 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
21. | Jakub Dudziak | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
22. | Michał Dyga | Poland | 1 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
23. | Rafael Fellmann | Germany | 7 | 1420|14.20 | 451|4.51 | 706|7.06 | 652|6.52 | 12712|2:07.12 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
24. | Maja Franuszkiewicz | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 5 | |
25. | Kacper Gliszczyński | Poland | 2 | 4307|43.07 | 1540|15.40 | 2610|26.10 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
26. | Krzysztof Goliński | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
27. | Jan Griman | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
28. | Matěj Grohmann | Czech Republic | 37 | 722|7.22 | 228|2.28 | 446|4.46 | 473|4.73 | 5242|52.42 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
29. | Marcel Grüner | Poland | 4 | 2047|20.47 | 584|5.84 | 912|9.12 | 940|9.40 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
30. | Jan Grzelak | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
31. | Julian Grzyb | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 5 | |
32. | Jakub Halip | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
33. | Jakub Hamkało | Poland | 21 | 1054|10.54 | 316|3.16 | 664|6.64 | 516|5.16 | 8967|1:29.67 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
34. | Jakub Hibszer | Poland | 11 | 1314|13.14 | 313|3.13 | 261|2.61 | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
35. | Adam Jagła | Poland | 21 | 981|9.81 | 178|1.78 | 322|3.22 | 491|4.91 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
36. | Dawid Janikowski | Poland | 2 | 1650|16.50 | 479|4.79 | 1034|10.34 | 1006|10.06 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
37. | Jakub Jańczuk | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
38. | Kamil Jędrkowiak | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
39. | Maciej Kaczmarek | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
40. | Mateusz Kanarski | Poland | 17 | 1431|14.31 | 530|5.30 | 713|7.13 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
41. | Przemysław Kanarski | Poland | 5 | 4463|44.63 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
42. | Szymon Kluzowicz | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
43. | Kacper Koenig | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
44. | Mateusz Konarski | Poland | 8 | 1114|11.14 | 518|5.18 | 854|8.54 | 995|9.95 | 9084|1:30.84 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
45. | Michał Kopeć | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 4 | |
46. | Dawid Kowal | Poland | 1 | 2316|23.16 | 971|9.71 | 963|9.63 | 1333|13.33 | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
47. | Piotr Kowal | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 5 | |
48. | Igor Kowalski | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
49. | Nikodem Kruk | Poland | 3 | 1580|15.80 | 680|6.80 | 744|7.44 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
50. | Olaf Kuźmiński | Poland | 15 | 1002|10.02 | 334|3.34 | 511|5.11 | 610|6.10 | 13341|2:13.41 | 99999999999| | 5 | |
51. | Tomasz Larysz | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
52. | Łukasz Laskowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
53. | Fabian Lepsy | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
54. | Dorian Lis | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
55. | Julian Lorenc | Poland | 1 | 2679|26.79 | 1149|11.49 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 5 | |
56. | Adam Łyskawa | Poland | 18 | 933|9.33 | 282|2.82 | 523|5.23 | 666|6.66 | 5955|59.55 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
57. | Wiktor Łyszkowski | Poland | 4 | 2052|20.52 | 745|7.45 | 1264|12.64 | 1626|16.26 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
58. | Igor Mamiński | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
59. | Jędrzej Martowłos | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 4 | |
60. | Przemysław Maryjosz | Poland | 1 | 3223|32.23 | 1136|11.36 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
61. | Oskar Matysik | Poland | 3 | 1439|14.39 | 413|4.13 | 904|9.04 | 1238|12.38 | 12399|2:03.99 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
62. | Bartosz Miecznikowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
63. | Tomasz Milewski | Poland | 2 | 1706|17.06 | 629|6.29 | 1231|12.31 | 1513|15.13 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
64. | Mateusz Nawrocki | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
65. | Tomáš Nguyen | Vietnam | 22 | 856|8.56 | 197|1.97 | 363|3.63 | 364|3.64 | 6551|1:05.51 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
66. | Olgierd Nowak | Poland | 6 | 1688|16.88 | 553|5.53 | 1422|14.22 | 994|9.94 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
67. | Damian Oberman | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 4 | |
68. | Maria Oberman | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 4 | |
69. | Piotr Olszewski | Poland | 54 | 946|9.46 | 304|3.04 | 252|2.52 | 468|4.68 | 7956|1:19.56 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
70. | Łukasz Pielczyk | Poland | 12 | 1147|11.47 | 307|3.07 | 529|5.29 | 553|5.53 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
71. | Michał Pinkowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
72. | Szymon Piotrowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
73. | Adam Polkowski | Poland | 111 | 985|9.85 | 376|3.76 | 809|8.09 | 1014|10.14 | 8545|1:25.45 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
74. | Filip Przyborowski | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 5 | |
75. | Zofia Pzryborowska | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 5 | |
76. | Adrian Radziewicz | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
77. | Przemysław Rogalski | Poland | 124 | 1082|10.82 | 306|3.06 | 312|3.12 | 431|4.31 | 9199|1:31.99 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
78. | Emilia Rosolińska | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
79. | Przemysław Rudziak | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
80. | Tobiasz Rychlik | Poland | 14 | 975|9.75 | 414|4.14 | 426|4.26 | 99999999999| | 9906|1:39.06 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
81. | Wiktor Rzepkowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
82. | Maciej Sądel | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
83. | Jakub Seemann | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
84. | Weronika Siejka | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
85. | Szymon Siemiatycki | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
86. | Mikołaj Skoczeń | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
87. | Szymon Sosnowski | Poland | 1 | 2553|25.53 | 1101|11.01 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
88. | Michał Sternik | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
89. | Robin Štětina | Czech Republic | 2 | 1873|18.73 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 14740|2:27.40 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
90. | Aleksander Stępniewicz | Poland | 2 | 1925|19.25 | 740|7.40 | 9999999999|? | 1969|19.69 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
91. | Krzysztof Stupnicki | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 5 | |
92. | Piotr Suchecki | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
93. | Adrian Szandrowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
94. | Sebastian Szczypek | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
95. | Filip Szostak | Poland | 16 | 1024|10.24 | 343|3.43 | 605|6.05 | 747|7.47 | 11484|1:54.84 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
96. | Jan Szwedo | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
97. | Mateusz Szwugier | Poland | 46 | 1070|10.70 | 331|3.31 | 302|3.02 | 546|5.46 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
98. | Konrad Świder | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 5 | |
99. | Krystian Święch | Poland | 22 | 1221|12.21 | 484|4.84 | 874|8.74 | 99999999999| | 17504|2:55.04 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
100. | Jakub Tamioła | Poland | 5 | 1291|12.91 | 448|4.48 | 895|8.95 | 2317|23.17 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
101. | Oliwier Tkaczyk | Poland | 2 | 1801|18.01 | 623|6.23 | 977|9.77 | 989|9.89 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
102. | Alan Tomczak | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
103. | Sandra Uchańska | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 5 | |
104. | Justyna Welc-Franuszkiewicz | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
105. | Marta Wiaderna | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
106. | Piotr Wierzbicki | Poland | 0 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 5 | |
107. | Filip Wojtkiewicz | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
108. | Michał Zając | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
109. | Karol Zakrzewski | Poland | 80 | 805|8.05 | 227|2.27 | 506|5.06 | 457|4.57 | 5386|53.86 | 99999999999| | 6 | |
110. | Maksymilian Żurawski | Poland | 2 | 4795|47.95 | 1976|19.76 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 5 | |
Suma: Sum: | 94 | 79 | 67 | 52 | 41 | 25 |