Karol Zakrzewski (Delegat WCA) Oficjalne rekordy Nieoficjalne rekordyKonkurencjaSingleMean of 3Average of 5Average of 12Mean of 100 3x3x3 5.24 7.24 8.35 8.86 4x4x4 25.43 29.22 31.62 34.22 5x5x5 48.50 52.93 57.12 59.75 3x3x3 blindfolded 1:06.99 1:18.99 3x3x3 one-handed 5.40 9.83 11.03 11.92 3x3x3 with feet 32.83 43.88 53.84 58.03 Megaminx 43.63 1:06.79 1:10.32 1:15.15 Clock 6.31 7.97 9.17 10.46 6x6x6 1:47.54 1:49.99 1:54.99 2:03.99 7x7x7 2:37.99 2:42.99 2:51.99 3:00.99