Grzegorz Pacewicz Oficjalne rekordy Nieoficjalne rekordyKonkurencjaSingleMean of 3Average of 5Average of 12Mean of 100 3x3x3 11.12 14.63 15.65 16.67 4x4x4 52.10 59.70 1:04.31 1:08.62 2x2x2 2.30 4.88 5.31 5.94 3x3x3 blindfolded 44.76 52.80 1:00.78 1:23.94 Square-1 23.23 30.44 33.52 37.88 Skewb 4.21 7.53 8.34 9.51 4x4x4 blindfolded 5:17.26 6:45.78 5x5x5 blindfolded 17:01.79